Our founders established Delta Sigma Pi with a vision to give all individuals from underrepresented groups access to the resources they would need to take advantage of the new opportunities that would be presented to them.  In 2023, Delta Sigma Pi has its best chance to make the business world more inclusive and give our members a strong competitive advantage in the workplace.

As your next Grand President, my goal is to listen to the expertise, perspectives, and needs of our collegiate and alumni members to help all generations of Detlasigs feel motivated to stay engaged, gain value from collaboration with one another, and succeed in a way that is appropriate to their stage in life.  

Collegiate Brothers

We will set collegians on a course for success in their careers by seeking feedback on what skills and experiences are important to hiring managers, while also providing all officers with the tools and knowledge they need to better manage their chapters. 

Alumni Brothers

We will help alumni brothers stay engaged with the fraternity, with programs that will enable them to improve their professional and personal development, while offering assistance to our collegiate members. 

Fraternity Operations 

Soliciting feedback from our members will help us to focus and spend time on the items that will bring the most benefits to our brothers while allowing us to improve our business operations and governance structures. 

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